Route description The Oklahoma welcome sign entering the state from Kansas Excluding the Panhandle, I-35 forms the informal bisector for central Oklahoma, and along with US 81/ US 283 in western Oklahoma and US 69/ US 75 in the eastern portion, it provides one of the main north-south corridors through the state. I-35 has one spur route in the state, I-235, in the inner city of Oklahoma City. Interstate 35 ( I-35), in the US State of Oklahoma, runs from the Red River at the Texas border to the Kansas state line near Braman for a length of 236 miles (380 km). Love, Carter, Murray, Garvin, McClain, Cleveland, Oklahoma, Logan, Payne, Noble, Kay I-35 Toll / Kansas Turnpike at the Kansas State Line US 64 / US 412 / Cimarron Turnpike near Perry.
I-44 Toll / Turner Turnpike in Oklahoma City